Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides payment for medical care for persons unable to afford to pay. Medicaid covers physicians’ services, hospital care, supplies and other necessary services once a person has been made eligible for the program.
Long Term Care
Long Term Care covers a variety of health care services required on a temporary or permanent basis by a person unable to conduct the day to day activities of “everyday” life also known as activities of daily living. LTC services help meet both the medical and non-medical needs of people with a chronic illness and/or disability who are unable to care for themselves. The services can be provided by a variety of agencies in outpatient and inpatient settings as well as in-home care.
Asset Protection
Asset protection strategies seek ways to protect assets from being absorbed or taken by others. They protect individuals from Long Term Care Expenses, Creditors, Predators as well as the pitfalls of divorce. Trusts may be established in such a way that creditors or litigants cannot try to take the assets held in them. Additionally, plans can be made to protect a family home, business interest, money or other assets from being taken by the government if an individual later needs to depend on the government for support or medical services for extended stays at a Nursing Home.
Elder Law Planning
Elder law attorneys are advocates for the elderly and their loved ones. Most elder law attorneys handle a wide range of legal matters affecting an older or disabled person, including issues related to health care, long term care planning, guardianship, retirement, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.
In many ways, elder law attorneys focus their practices on the needs of older adults, which are often different and more specialized than the needs of younger adults. Not only can they handle important financial and estate planning matters, they also take care of day-to- day issues affecting the actual care of seniors, such as assisted living and long term care planning.
In addition, elder law attorneys are often more equipped to handle the sensitive emotional and physical needs of older or disabled adults, and are therefore able to handle a variety of challenging situations.
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2310 Genesee St.
Utica, NY 13502